I have currently been reading a blog about eating "real foods." I have already started cooking healthier for my family and been making more homemade items. I think this challenge will be a good challenge for our family. I often get lazy, yes I will admit that, and run through the drive through. I am hoping that by doing a modification of this challenge that will help to curb that nasty habit.
Modification? Why not just do the challenge as is. A couple reasons; 1.living in NE leaves very few options as far as local meats, fruits, and veggies. A large part in this persons diet is shopping at a farmers market. 2. We have been trying to stay away from wheat as my daughter has serious skin and tummy issues when eating to much. So I will continue with our bread that we currently use. However, I am going to give the Ezekiel bread a shot.
For the most part we will be following this challenge as closely as possible. If you would like to know what you can and cannot eat go HERE and read this article.
Benefits of Taking the 10-Day Pledge (taken directly from the website)
Upon completing your goal we predict you will gain the following:
* A first-hand, eye opening experience of how to identify the real food in our processed food world.
* At least one improved health benefit such as having more energy, losing weight, improving regularity, or just feeling healthier overall.
* The realization that some of those pre-packaged processed “food-like substances” don’t even taste that good compared to real food.
* The opportunity to teach your children (if you have them), by example, the healthiest way to eat and enjoy the food mother nature has given us.
* The ability to continue on with your life however you chose, but with the new knowledge of how and why to avoid processed foods. Hopefully your 10-day experience will convince you to consider making at least a few changes for life.
So, we begin. I will be taking a few days to get the meal plan figured out and clear out some of what we have going on in our pantry. My goal is to start this challenge on March 1, 2012. With a couple of "curve balls" thrown our way this will be an interested time to do it. (ie. out of town for BOTH weekends involved) That will mostly just take a lot more planning on my part!
I encourage you to join with me and eat as many "real foods" as possible. Here's to a HEALTHY and CHALLENGING 10 days! :)
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